2023 MOGSouth Southern Region Fall Noggin – (20-22 Oct) – The Lake Mirror Classic – Lakeland, FL, Report from the Field
24 Morgans were registered for this show and after a few medical emergencies, a logistical mishap and a few technical (?) anomalies, 20 Morgans were displayed on the Concours d’Elegance lawn at the Lake Mirror Classic in Lakeland Florida. Not only that, but we also had a good many friends from other local British Car Clubs stop by to say Hi and drool, and two MOGSouth members, one without his car (a bit too far), and one who chose to bring Hot Rods to the show in stead (sacrilege?)
Morgans were selected as the featured ‘display’ marque at the show. We were part of the Concours but not judged. All of the good things about a Concours, without dealing with the ‘not so good’ things. We were collocated on the lawn with the other Concours cars and right next to the show’s special exhibit, one of 12 fabulous GM Futurliners!
The Lake Mirror Classic Concours and Car Show is really 4 car shows in one. First, there is the Concours d’Elegance, with its ‘by invitation only’ examples of automotive art, second is the highly attended ‘Hot Rod Rendezvous’, an amazing collection or resto-mods and hot rods, third is the ‘Open Car Show’ which has taken over all streets of Lakeland with some 400 cars, and forth we have the action out on the water in Lake Mirror itself, with 6 finely polished Mahogany masterpieces and a half-dozen Amphicars. There is something for everyone at this show! That, and the weather was absolutely superb. Low 80s, almost no humidity, a slight breeze and nary a cloud in the sky. Absolutely superb!!

The Morgan entrants, with others attending the Concours, were entertained at the Friday evening VIP reception, complete with disc jockey, dancing and live music, free drinks and heavy hors d’oeuvres. We all got catered lunches on Saturday and a lovely high ball glass with both the Morgan logo and the Lake Mirror Classic logo, as a souvenir. Very nicely done!

Later after the car show, on Saturday evening, we had a MOGSouth group dinner at a highly rated restaurant. We had a private room for the Morgan folks, and dedicated staff to address all of our needs. We mostly all walked from the hotel as it was just a few blocks away, something less than a half mile. Some illustrious types hijacked the hotels golf cart, and some (like me) took a private car.
Then a good number of Morgans (five I think) participated in the Sunday SCCA sanctioned rally. The rally was a bit of a ‘treasure hunt’ sort of rally combined with a time-speed-distance sort of thing. Some questions referenced older trivia, so the younger folks were challenged, and some clues were answered on small signs with small(er) lettering, ‘what did that sign say . . . Tiger Lilley Hot Tubs??,’ letting those with better eyes succeed, but all in all, good fun.
A truly tremendous weekend for the South Region of MOGSouth. A great turn out of fabulous Morgans, perfect weather and as always, an amazing group of people!! We are thoroughly exhausted but ready to do it again!!
Some comments from the membership.
- ‘MOGSouth event – It was nice to see everyone and their Morgans. The show was great too with many exquisite vehicles.’
- ‘Lake Mirror – Thanks for organizing a really wonderful weekend!’
- ‘MOGSouth Lake Mirror Event – What a memorable Morgan weekend – a well-organized event’
- ‘Lake Mirror – I thoroughly enjoyed getting together with all the MOG South/Gator folks. Til the next time.’
- ‘MOGSouth / Lake Mirror – What a great weekend for our Morgan group. Superbly organized. And the comradery makes Morgan ownership so much better. BTW, whoever picked the dinner location for last night (21 Oct) should get five stars.’
Cheers, Rick and Mark