15 Jan

2024 MOGSouth Noggin (All Regions) Fernandina Beach (1 March) – Latest Updates (15 Jan 04)

Folks, it looks like the Amelia Island Concours weekend will be a busy one.  And all the activities and events scheduled have confused a few folks, trust me – I have gotten emails and phone calls!! Let me try to help!!

FRIDAY (1 March) 1 – 5PM the ‘Classic Motorsports Kickoff’ presented by Sunoco.  This event is a ‘Cars and Coffee’ type of event but unlike the Saturday (2 March) Amelia ‘Cars and Caffeine’ Event (also a Cars and Coffee type of event) Morgans are not limited in the number of cars that could participate.  The Amelia event limited us to only 5 Morgans the last few years.

The Friday Event, the ‘Classic Motorsports Kickoff’ presented by Sunoco promises us no limitations (now or in the future!), all Morgans arriving together will be parked together and a special award for Morgans only.

In order to arrive together (and allowing folks to find this new location) we will rendezvous at the Surf Restaurant as we have in the past at 1215PM and leave for the ‘Classic Motorsports Kickoff’ promptly at 1230 PM.  

The ‘Classic Motorsports Kickoff’ finishes at 5PM and this allows us to have our traditional Friday Noggin, at the Surf Restaurant (THE SURF RESTAURANT & BAR, 3199 S Fletcher Ave, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034).  We will start the Noggin (and it is open to any and all Morgan car enthusiasts, MOGSouth or otherwise) from 6PM and go until . . .

Folks can eat or drink (and pay on their own!!) as they see fit!!  Just, please be careful with drinking and driving!!

SATURDAY (2 March) 8:30 AM – 1 PM The traditional Amelia ‘Cars and Caffeine’ event will be held once again on the same golf course holes as the Sunday Concours. I understand they have increased the number of allowable Morgans from only 5 to 15 for just 2024 (A one-time good deal!) as the MMC factory may be participating and bringing something new for us to see (the new Super3 three-wheeler?) 

I personally have a problem with this limitation. I am not going to tell someone in MOGSouth they can go while others in MOGSouth are told they cannot.  I told Amelia it has to be all of us, or none of us.  So MOGSouth will not participate next year.  If you don’t like this position, tell me via an email, I serve at the entire membership’s pleasure. 

As I understand it, there are special rendezvous places and lunches planned for Saturday 2 March.  I haven’t been informed of the details, so . . .

SUNDAY (3 March) 09:30 AM – 4:30 PM – The Amelia Island Concours

17 Dec

Hot Off the Press!! 2024 Amelia Island Updates

Through the efforts of our Daytona Florida Morgan Dealer, Christopher John Ltd., the Morgan Factory will be sponsoring an exhibit on Saturday, 2 March as part of the Amelia Island Cars and Caffeine event.  

As has been published before, MOGSouth is committed to the Classic Motorsports Kickoff event on Friday (1 March) afternoon. However, now that we have confirmed that the Morgan Motor Company factory is coming to Amelia for the 2 March event, we want to be sure you knew. Just in case you are inclined to sign up for both the Friday, 1 March Kickoff, and the Saturday, 2 March Cars and Caffeine event.

However, there will be no limitation re: number of cars for the Friday event, space for the Saturday event is limited and you may be turned away. It is a 1st come, 1st served sort of thing. So Register now!

If you are already registered for the Friday event, your registration is still valid and you will still be charged (unless you cancel.)

Let me reiterate!! Space for the Cars and Caffeine (2 March) is severely limited!! If you plan on attending the Friday (1 March) event and can stay through Saturday (2 March) or live close by, and want to see the factory exhibit, please join the MMC Factory at the (2 March) Amelia Concours Cars & Caffeine event, but Register now!

Cars & Caffeine show time; 2 March 2024, 9 AM to 4 PM 

Here’s how you get to the Cars & Caffeine registration.            

1. Go to  entrant.hagerty.com site.

2. That should get you to an Amelia Concours weekend page site.    Find and click on,  Show 2 sub-events

3. The second one is Cars & Caffeine, open and fill out a rather overly detailed entry form. 

You will need a bunch of information and photos.  Vin#, chassis # (Probably the same #), Insurance Company, Ins Co policy#, some descriptions (adlib them), and Photos  

Contact Rick Frazee at 407-620-0507, I might be able to help.

Space is limited!

08 Dec

MOGSouth – Southern Region Holiday Party (6-7 Dec) Ft. Lauderdale, FL

The Southern Region’s 2023 Holiday Party in Fort Lauderdale FL, on 6 Dec, was a huge success! A big thank you to Jonathon Hoyes, who made it all happen. Some 25 MOGSouth members and their families attended the atypical Holiday dinner at The Field Irish Pub & Eatery. No fancy table clothes or linen napkins, just Morgan comradery and holiday spirit (maybe a bit too much spirit for me??)

The Pub was superb, the private room delightful, the staff attentive, and our meals were all delicious. On Thursday we visited an automotive restoration workshop and drooled over the work in progress. The only downside for us anyway, was the drive home through the south Florida traffic.

It was wonderful to see everyone and I wish all a very happy holiday season! Now we push on into the new year and see just what unknown adventures await us all!!

Happy Holidays,

29 Nov

2024 MOGSouth (All Regions) Spring Kickoff at Amelia Island, FL (1 Mar)

As you probably knew, we, MOGSouth, participated as a Club in the Amelia Island Concours Cars and Coffee event on Saturday.  After a few years we understood the rules and were able to bend them to our advantage and create a MOGSouth annual event.  This evolved into a MOGSouth noggin, somewhere in Fernandina Beach, on Friday evening, followed by a Morgan group of 15 – 20 cars, all parked together, at the Cars and Coffee event, on Saturday Morning. 

The Hagerty purchase of the Amelia Concours ended our activities as they limited Morgan participation at the Cars and Coffee to only 5 cars.  The crews of only 5 cars were insufficient to justify the Friday Evening noggin, nor really a group of Morgans on Saturday.  So, we cancelled our participation and haven’t been back since. 

Well, this year there is a new event hosted by our publishing friends at Classic Motorcars, the Classic Motorsports Kickoff presented by Sunoco.  It is similar, but better, to the prior Cars and Coffee event but is on Friday afternoon 1 March, 1 PM until 5 PM.  (The Friday afternoon timing eliminates the ‘crack of dawn’ rendezvous and should reduce the end of event traffic.)  This is perfect allowing us to resume our annual noggin Friday evening, at the Surf Restaurant, South Fletcher Ave, Fernandina Beach, at 6PM. (Noggin will start at 6PM and go until ??)  

We have expressed our willingness to participate in this new event, and they have agreed, without any limitations!!  The new event will be held just north of the Ritz Carlton hotel on A1A, Main Beach Park. 

All Morgans who register will be accepted.  (FYI,  there is a registration fee of 45$ per car.)  There are no fees for spectators.  They have also created a special Editor’s Choice Award for their favorite Morgan, and promised us that if we arrive together, we will have a designated Morgan parking area.  So, the Saturday Amelia Cars and Caffeine event has been eliminated from the MOGSouth Schedule, and we have inserted the Classic Motorsports Kickoff on Friday afternoon. 

The Friday noggin will be at the Surf Restaurant at 3199 S Fletcher Ave, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034, following the Kickoff.  (6 PM – 9PM)  So that being said, mark your calendars for the Classic Motorsports Kickoff presented by Sunoco, and register for the event at the following link.  https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/2024-classic-motorsports-amelia-island-kickoff-main-beach-park-168974

Some details about this event are provided below, however more details will be forthcoming but if you have questions feel free to contact me at Series1@cfl.rr.com

Cheers, Mark

WHEN:  Friday, March 1, 2024 1pm-5pm

WHERE:  Main Beach Park, Amelia Island, FL

ENTRY FEE: FREE for spectators Show Vehicle Registration Fee: $45

CAPACITY: Limited to 150 pre-registered cars.

About this event

We’re kicking off the Amelia weekend in style with the Classic Motorsports Amelia Island Kickoff presented by Sunoco! Our plan is to fill the green space of Main Beach Park, just a few miles north of the Ritz-Carlton, with awesome cars and great people. Along the way, we’ll send some of the classic car world’s biggest celebrities through the field awarding prizes to their favorite cars.

Spectator entry is free — just walk right in, with no registration required.

Vehicle entry price is $45, and all cars must pre-register online. No registrations will be accepted at the show gate.

View full event details, schedule, map and more at AmeliaKickoff.com

Event requirements

All entries must be accepted by our selection committee. To submit your vehicle for acceptance, register for the event. All new registrations will automatically be waitlisted until evaluated and approved or rejected by the committee. Your card will not be charged unless your vehicle is accepted. Upload a photo and details of your car during registration to improve your chances of being selected. 

Does this mean we won’t accept common cars? Not at all–we’ve actually made this change in order to increase the diversity of the cars at our show, as we want  to showcase the broadest range of vehicles possible.

What cars are we looking for? We’re looking for classic sports and luxury cars, muscle cars, newer exotics, classic 4x4s, and similar vehicles. 

Entrants must arrive between 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. for entry into the Amelia Kickoff. Vehicles will not be permitted to enter/exit the show between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

23 Oct

2023 MOGSouth Southern Region Fall Noggin – (20-22 Oct) – The Lake Mirror Classic – Lakeland, FL, Report from the Field

24 Morgans were registered for this show and after a few medical emergencies, a logistical mishap and a few technical (?) anomalies, 20 Morgans were displayed on the Concours d’Elegance lawn at the Lake Mirror Classic in Lakeland Florida.  Not only that, but we also had a good many friends from other local British Car Clubs stop by to say Hi and drool, and two MOGSouth members, one without his car (a bit too far), and one who chose to bring Hot Rods to the show in stead (sacrilege?)

Morgans were selected as the featured ‘display’ marque at the show.  We were part of the Concours but not judged.  All of the good things about a Concours, without dealing with the ‘not so good’ things.  We were collocated on the lawn with the other Concours cars and right next to the show’s special exhibit, one of 12 fabulous GM Futurliners! 

The Lake Mirror Classic Concours and Car Show is really 4 car shows in one.  First, there is the Concours d’Elegance, with its ‘by invitation only’ examples of automotive art, second is the highly attended ‘Hot Rod Rendezvous’, an amazing collection or resto-mods and hot rods, third is the ‘Open Car Show’ which has taken over all streets of Lakeland with some 400 cars, and forth we have the action out on the water in Lake Mirror itself, with 6 finely polished Mahogany masterpieces and a half-dozen Amphicars.  There is something for everyone at this show!  That, and the weather was absolutely superb.  Low 80s, almost no humidity, a slight breeze and nary a cloud in the sky.  Absolutely superb!!

Photo Courtesy of Mike Palfreyman

The Morgan entrants, with others attending the Concours, were entertained at the Friday evening VIP reception, complete with disc jockey, dancing and live music, free drinks and heavy hors d’oeuvres.  We all got catered lunches on Saturday and a lovely high ball glass with both the Morgan logo and the Lake Mirror Classic logo, as a souvenir.  Very nicely done! 

Photo Courtesy of Mike Palfreyman

Later after the car show, on Saturday evening, we had a MOGSouth group dinner at a highly rated restaurant.  We had a private room for the Morgan folks, and dedicated staff to address all of our needs.  We mostly all walked from the hotel as it was just a few blocks away, something less than a half mile.  Some illustrious types hijacked the hotels golf cart, and some (like me) took a private car.

Then a good number of Morgans (five I think) participated in the Sunday SCCA sanctioned rally.  The rally was a bit of a ‘treasure hunt’ sort of rally combined with a time-speed-distance sort of thing.  Some questions referenced older trivia, so the younger folks were challenged, and some clues were answered on small signs with small(er) lettering, ‘what did that sign say . . . Tiger Lilley Hot Tubs??,’ letting those with better eyes succeed, but all in all, good fun. 

A truly tremendous weekend for the South Region of MOGSouth.  A great turn out of fabulous Morgans, perfect weather and as always, an amazing group of people!!  We are thoroughly exhausted but ready to do it again!!  

Some comments from the membership.

  • MOGSouth event – It was nice to see everyone and their Morgans. The show was great too with many exquisite vehicles.’
  • ‘Lake Mirror – Thanks for organizing a really wonderful weekend!’
  • MOGSouth Lake Mirror Event – What a memorable Morgan weekend – a well-organized event’
  • ‘Lake Mirror – I thoroughly enjoyed getting together with all the MOG South/Gator folks.  Til the next time.’
  • MOGSouth / Lake Mirror – What a great weekend for our Morgan group.  Superbly organized. And the comradery makes Morgan ownership so much better. BTW, whoever picked the dinner location for last night (21 Oct) should get five stars.’

Cheers, Rick and Mark

03 Oct

2023 MOGSouth Southern Region Fall Noggin (20-22 Oct) Lakeland, FL – VIP Reception – Friday 20 Oct – RSVP

Just to be sure things work according to plan. Everyone needs to RSVP for the VIP Reception so they will be on the list and be admitted. Each car owner should have received the invitation via email and they need to click the ‘RSVP’ button.  If there are issues, let me know!!

Cheers, Mark

03 Oct

2023 MOGSouth Southern Region Fall Noggin (20-22 Oct) Lakeland, FL – VIP Reception – Friday 20 Oct

Those bringing Morgans for Display as part of the Lake Mirror Classic Concours are invited (and their guests) to the the Lake Mirror Classic VIP Reception taking place Friday evening, October 20th from 6-9PM at the Magnolia Building overlooking Lake Mirror and France Langford Promenade.

Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, drinks, etc. Dress is business casual. Live music inside or step outside onto the deck to enjoy all the fun happening below at the Hot Rod Rendezvous. And, a special appearance of the GM Futurliner.

Special guests include the Lake Mirror Classic founder, Ford Heacock III, and the 2023 Grand Marshall, Bill Warner (founder and long time chairman of the Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, racer. photo journalist and a legend in our hobby.)

28 Sep

2023 MOGSouth Southern Region Holiday Party (6-7 Dec) Ft Lauderdale, FL – Details

This is how the we think the event will come together!!  This Holiday Party will be a bit different from those in the past.  It is really only a one-day event.  Well, a single overnight.  And, that one day (overnight) is a Wednesday, December 6th, 2023.  FYI, a good number of folks indicated that a weekday was preferable to a weekend.  They had other things to do on the weekend!!  So, we are planning this one, in the middle of the week!! 

We will all travel to Fort Lauderdale, FL anyway we want.  Pick a good road, bring the Morgan or bring the tin top.  Your call!  We will check into the event hotel, the Marriott Maritime Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Cruise Port, 2161 Maritime Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 33312.  You will have to click the link: Book your group rate for Morgan MOGSouth GatorMOG or call (954) 533-7846, Ext. 1008 (Carina Tiepolt) and make your own reservation from our block booking! 

The hotel is nestled in the 25-acre Marina Bay Resort and takes its lifestyle cues from South Florida’s culture of on-the-water recreation. Soaring eight stories at the water’s edge, the boutique hotel’s distinctive architectural sail and sleek, nautically inspired facade make it an unmistakable new landmark among Marina Mile hotels.  It is conveniently located near the confluence of I-95, I-595, I-75, and Route 1, giving us great access from the North, South, and West!

We have a block of rooms reserved on a first come, first served basis.  Our group name is Morgan / GatorMOG / MOGSouth (pick one!!).  Our negotiated block booking rate is $145 per room (single or double) for the night, plus tax.  This rate includes:

  • An upgrade to a Deluxe Marina View Room with Balcony,
  • A $10 Food and Beverage credit that can be used at the Hotel Bar and/or Restaurant,
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi,
  • Complementary parking (usually $15/day), and
  • Complementary early check in on December 6th and late check out on December 7th.

The Maritime Hotel has an electric charging station and allows for overnight trailer parking for guests should anyone want to bring their vehicle by trailer.

That evening, Wednesday, we will convene at the entrance to the hotel and convoy over to the Holiday Party pub, leaving at 06:00PM.  Yes, a pub!  It’s a great location, just a couple of miles from the hotel, with the right sort of ambiance for us.  No white table clothes or fancy wine glasses this time!  We are going to the ‘Field’ Irish Pub and Eatery, 3281 Griffin Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312!!  https://www.thefieldfl.com/ We have a private room (the Nautical Room, I believe) that will be set just for us – with room to expand if things get rowdy!  Folks can order off the menu, eat and drink as they please.  They have great food and beer – no rubber chicken or soupy green bean casserole this year! 

After dinner, there will be a few words of MOGSouth business and then we’re done.  You’ll be free to return to the hotel, party on to live music at The Field, cruise Las Olas in your Morgan, or take a drive along Fort Lauderdale Beach!  Your call! 

On Thursday morning, feel free to take advantage of the hotel’s restaurant for breakfast or visit the excellent Lester’s Diner, 250 W State Rd 84, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 just a mile east, down the same street.  Departure home is on your own.  However, for those who are interested, we will meet outside the hotel at 09:00am on Thursday morning for a real treat!

Special Event:

We have arranged an opportunity to tour a pretty amazing full-service classic and specialty vehicle restoration and coachbuilding business, The Creative Workshop, http://thecreativeworkshop.com/, which is only a couple of miles from the hotel, in Dania Beach.  The Creative Workshop was the subject of the recent Apple TV series, Long Road to Monterey (well worth a watch). The seven episodes of this “behind the scenes” show highlight the ups and downs of what it takes to restore incredibly rare and sought after cars – specifically, a 1966 Coach built Ferrari 330GT Speciale and a 1921 Kissel 6-45 “Gold Bug” Speedster – for some of the most spectacular car events in the world.

At Creative on Thursday morning, we will be met by the Owner, Jason Wenig, who will provide a personal tour of their unique, 80+ year-old historic building that has been fully converted into a comprehensive restoration & coachbuilding facility.  Cars restored and custom coach built by Creative have garnered numerous awards at international, national and local events – such as Pebble Beach, Amelia Island, Villa d’Este, Cavallino, Mille Miglia and many, many more.  Take a look at their website and videos – this is craftsmanship of the highest level. 

Did I mention that Creative’s General Manager, Rodney Keyzer, is a former Morgan Motor Car Dealer from South Africa?!!  This is a unique opportunity and is well worth the visit!  Visiting this facility is optional but highly recommended.  Do tell Mark or Jonathan if you plan to attend the visit so we can alert them to the number of folks to expect.  The visit and tour will take an hour or two and will be over by lunchtime after which you are again on your own to travel home.