17 Dec

Hot Off the Press!! 2024 Amelia Island Updates

Through the efforts of our Daytona Florida Morgan Dealer, Christopher John Ltd., the Morgan Factory will be sponsoring an exhibit on Saturday, 2 March as part of the Amelia Island Cars and Caffeine event.  

As has been published before, MOGSouth is committed to the Classic Motorsports Kickoff event on Friday (1 March) afternoon. However, now that we have confirmed that the Morgan Motor Company factory is coming to Amelia for the 2 March event, we want to be sure you knew. Just in case you are inclined to sign up for both the Friday, 1 March Kickoff, and the Saturday, 2 March Cars and Caffeine event.

However, there will be no limitation re: number of cars for the Friday event, space for the Saturday event is limited and you may be turned away. It is a 1st come, 1st served sort of thing. So Register now!

If you are already registered for the Friday event, your registration is still valid and you will still be charged (unless you cancel.)

Let me reiterate!! Space for the Cars and Caffeine (2 March) is severely limited!! If you plan on attending the Friday (1 March) event and can stay through Saturday (2 March) or live close by, and want to see the factory exhibit, please join the MMC Factory at the (2 March) Amelia Concours Cars & Caffeine event, but Register now!

Cars & Caffeine show time; 2 March 2024, 9 AM to 4 PM 

Here’s how you get to the Cars & Caffeine registration.            

1. Go to  entrant.hagerty.com site.

2. That should get you to an Amelia Concours weekend page site.    Find and click on,  Show 2 sub-events

3. The second one is Cars & Caffeine, open and fill out a rather overly detailed entry form. 

You will need a bunch of information and photos.  Vin#, chassis # (Probably the same #), Insurance Company, Ins Co policy#, some descriptions (adlib them), and Photos  

Contact Rick Frazee at 407-620-0507, I might be able to help.

Space is limited!

12 Dec

MOGSouth – Southern Region – St Petersburg Motor Classic at the St Pete Yacht Club, St Petersburg, FL (4 February)

Dear Motoring Friends,

As you know last year was it was the turn of Morgan Cars as our featured Marque, and it was very well received and an education to many attendees. We worked hard, some things worked well, others not so, but we learn from every show.

The show returns on Feb 4th, 2024 same location. This year Alfa Romeo are the featured marque, I would love to invite all Morgan owners to attend and if enough entries are made I will create a Morgan “Club” Category so all your cars can be displayed and judged together. You can register online at stpetemotorclassic.com. Please enter as Group 310 Car Clubs Other. (If you prefer you can also enter your car in the relevant year and type groups).

Best regards


Andy Evans, Chairman & Event Organizer
stpetemotorclassic@gmail.com, www.stpetemotorclassic.com

08 Dec

MOGSouth – Southern Region Holiday Party (6-7 Dec) Ft. Lauderdale, FL

The Southern Region’s 2023 Holiday Party in Fort Lauderdale FL, on 6 Dec, was a huge success! A big thank you to Jonathon Hoyes, who made it all happen. Some 25 MOGSouth members and their families attended the atypical Holiday dinner at The Field Irish Pub & Eatery. No fancy table clothes or linen napkins, just Morgan comradery and holiday spirit (maybe a bit too much spirit for me??)

The Pub was superb, the private room delightful, the staff attentive, and our meals were all delicious. On Thursday we visited an automotive restoration workshop and drooled over the work in progress. The only downside for us anyway, was the drive home through the south Florida traffic.

It was wonderful to see everyone and I wish all a very happy holiday season! Now we push on into the new year and see just what unknown adventures await us all!!

Happy Holidays,