17 Feb

Update: 2022 GatorMOG Spring Noggin – St Augustine, FL – 6-8 May

We just got a call from the B&B in St Augustine (Agustin Inn (B&B) https://agustininn.com/ 29 Cuna Street, St Augustine, FL 32084).

All the rooms we had blocked for GatorMOG had now been filled. Wow!! A great turnout!!

We currently have 9 couples (perhaps 9 Morgans?) participating!  It should be a great weekend, unless the weather gets us!!

Central Florida participants will drive up to St Augustine on Friday (6 May).  Taking the back roads, the trip should be about 2-2.5 hours.  Convoy times and routes – TBD.  Folks coming from other locations are on their own. 

We have a dinner reservation at the Columbia Restaurant on Friday evening at 6PM.

Saturday (7 May) breakfast will be at the B&B.  Then we will venture into town.  We do have some folks coming into town to join us for just the Saturday proceedings. 

As of right now, we envision a trolley tour and some other shopping or site seeing.  We will work out the details when we get a bit closer to the date (and have a better idea of the weather!)  Lunch is likely where we find it!

Then, we have a dinner reservation for the Catch 27 Restaurant on Saturday (7 May) evening at 6PM.

Sunday, we all go home!

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