2021 MOGSouth Holiday Party Report From the Field (Peachtree City, GA – 4 December 2021)
The event hotel was the Crowne Plaza in Peachtree City, GA (201 Aberdeen Pkwy, Peachtree City, GA 30269.) This facility is a bit different than a typical hotel in that is partially a Conference Center. It has several buildings spread out over a large expanse of mainly trees. Some of the buildings are for the conference center’s meetings and conferences, and others that are just hotel rooms. Lots of winding roads through the trees and around small lakes. Quite picturesque!! We had a block of rooms set aside for MOGSouth and the hotel originally had us all over the place. They soon got the message and located all the MOGSouth folks in one building, the Lakeside building, the same building with the MOGSouth Hospitality Suite!
The Hospitality Suite was the ‘Sutherland Suite’ on Friday afternoon/evening; then the event’s Hospitality Suite relocated to Falcon field and the Commemorative Air Force’s hangar on Saturday. (The hangar was the site of our catered dinner and where we spent Saturday afternoon and evening.) The ‘Hospitality Suite’ is a bit of MOGSouth tradition, a gathering place that allowed attending folks to meet and greet club friends.
On Saturday we had a Police escort scheduled for our short drive to Falcon field. Well, just as we were about to leave the Crowne Plaza at 1PM, the Officer assigned to escort us, got an urgent call and had to attend to more important police duties. Barbara and Vince Curasi, residents of Peachtree City, GA (and Mark’s sister and BIL) then took over convoy escort duties and led the convoy to Falcon field. We had 8 Morgans (Plus 4s, Plus 8s, Roadsters, and even an Aero 8). A very good turn out for a Holiday Party!! The airplane folks in the Commemorative Air Force were just as interested in the cars and we were interested in the war birds. I guess cars and aircraft go together?

We started the afternoon at the hangar, with many of the aircraft out in the sun, on the tarmac, outside the hangar. The weather was very nice and they had the P-51 Mustang arranged for us to use as a backdrop for photographs with the Morgans. Those with Morgans each got an opportunity to take a few pictures of their car with the Mustang. Very cool! Then all the cars were lined up for a group shot.

People spent the afternoon looking at the Commemorative Air Force’s war birds and additional aircraft they in the shop being restored. A number of folks, three perhaps four, took rides in one of the antique aircraft that had previously been previously restored. Everyone came back with a wide grin and stories for future times.

Many also used the afternoon hours to peruse the items that had been donated to the club for our annual ‘Silent Auction’. There were many wonderous items and some very generous bids. Thank you!! The proceeds from the Silent Auction will be used to keep the club solvent and able to provide the ‘Hospitality Suite’ at future events and, in some cases, subsidize some of the Club’s future activities.
In fact, this year, the Holiday Party buffet was subsidized by the club. The members in attendance paid a portion of the overall cost, with MOGSouth covering the rest!! Those that participate in our events reap the benefits and those that choose not to participate, well . . .
This year, the Holiday buffet was a catered affair and I believe everyone enjoyed it. Well, I didn’t hear any complaints!! The food was tasty, with a reasonable selection. Even the Gluten Free folks were satisfied.
The MOGSouth remarks were kept to a minimum; however, as is the norm, we did present the annual Mother Courage Award. This year the awardees were unanimously selected by the three prior year’s (2019, 2018 and 2017) awardees from a slate of candidates nominated by the club at large. This year’s (2021) awardees were Chuck and Karen Bernath.

Finally, after the dessert and coffee, folks retreated to the Hotel’s bar for a night cap. We put 2021 to bed with a pretty good Holiday Party! While 2021 was still somewhat of a challenge with the COVID issues across the world, we anticipate a great 2022! Hopefully we will see new four-wheeled Morgans on the American shores with the new Plus 4 and Plus 6. There is an even better chance that the new Morgan Three-wheeler will be here, as well. More cars, more members and new places to explore! See you there!!!
Great party Mark!
Thank you and Andrea for putting it together!
Have a Happy Holiday and best wishes for a healthy and safe 2022.