2017 MOGSouth Fall Meet Update (as of July 6th)
Happy Eclipse Year from Clayton Georgia!
As everyone knows the 2017 MOGSouth Fall Meet is taking place in Clayton Georgia over the weekend of September 15th (Friday) and September 16th (Saturday).
We are blessed with 75% of the county being National Forest and a cozy little town full of character.
The Kingswood Golf and Country Club Resort is a beautiful place and we have blocked 20 rooms at the resort hotel. Rooms are $109.00/night plus taxes equaling $127.08.
There are also 2 and 3 bedroom apartments available for rent. If you are interested in splitting and apartment with Morgan friends this might be a good choice. Breakfast cost is $7.00/person plus tip.
We will have a hospitality room available at the club house for Friday arrival and Saturday before and after Dinner.
Dinner will be at the Kingswood Golf and Country Club Resort Club House on Saturday night at a cost of $30.00 per person including taxes and tip.
The menu main course will include a choice of a meat, fish or vegetarian. We will be soliciting your preferences soon.
The program also includes a Saturday morning drive and lunch at a local restaurant. Free time after lunch is planned for shopping and exploring our cute town of Clayton or a visit to my shop for those interested.
Don’t miss it… We will have lots of big surprises for everyone. Hope to see many of our Morgan friends there!!
If you have any questions please email Richard at richardihns@gmail.com or call 239-633-2845 (cell)